Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year
Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Highlights of the Year

Section: New Results

Equilibrium reconstruction within the framework of the European Integrated Tokamak Modelling WPCD project

Participants : Blaise Faugeras, Cédric Boulbe.

We have been involved in a benchmark study between the equilibrium reconstruction codes VACTH-EQUINOX, EQUAL and LIUQE on TCV equilibriums [EPS paper R. Coelho et al] The benchmark study lead us to include new functionalities to VACTH-EQUINOX such as the possibility to have an upper X-point. The adaptation of VACTH-EQUINOX to IMAS (Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite), the ITER standard using IDS (Interface Data Structure) as data type, has been carried on. Equilibrium reconstructions using IMAS have been performed on real JET measurements and on the first recently available WEST measurements.